Advance preparation

Connect the wireless LAN between THETA and the smartphone that runs on the application using this Theta Client.

To instantiate THETA Client

import THETAClient
// Create ThetaRepository object by specifying an IP address
  endPoint:"http://<THETA IP ADDRESS>"
) {response, error in
  if let instance = response {
    theta = instance
  if let thetaError = error {
    // handle error
Mode Address
Direct mode
Other Assigned IP address
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "<>">
<plist version="1.0">

Shoot still images

First, use ThetaRepository.getPhotoCaptureBuilder() to set the shooting and create the PhotoCapture object.

Task {
  do {
    let photoCapture: PhotoCapture = try await withCheckedThrowingContinuation {continuation in
       .setIsoAutoHighLimit(iso: ThetaRepository.IsoAutoHighLimitEnum.iso1000)
       .setFileFormat(fileFormat: ThetaRepository.PhotoFileFormat.image5k)
       .build {capture, error in
         if let photoCapture = capture {
           continuation.resume(returning: photoCapture)
         if let thetaError = error {
           continuation.resume(throwing: thetaError)
  } catch {
    // catch thetaError

The above example sets the maximum ISO sensitivity to 1000 and the file format to image5k.

See View preview for instructions on how to view preview.

Then we call PhotoCapture.takePicture(callback:) to shoot still pictures. Create and call a callback class that implements PhotoCaptureTakePictureCallback as follows.

do {
  class Callback: PhotoCaptureTakePictureCallback {
      let callback: (_ fileUrl: String?, _ error: Error?) -> Void
      init(_ callback: @escaping (_ fileUrl: String?, _ error: Error?) -> Void) {
          self.callback = callback
      func onSuccess(fileUrl: String) {
          callback(fileUrl, nil)
      func onError(exception: ThetaRepository.ThetaRepositoryException) {
          callback(nil, exception as? Error)
  let fileUrl: String = try await withCheckedThrowingContinuation {continuation in
        callback: Callback {fileUrl, error in
            if let photoUrl = fileUrl {
                continuation.resume(returning: photoUrl)
            if let thetaError = error {
                continuation.resume(throwing: thetaError)
  // send GET request for fileUrl and receive a JPEG file
} catch {
  // catch error while take picture

Properties that can be set for shooting still images

Value Correction value Remarks
m20 -2.0f
m17 -1.7f
m13 -1.0f
m07 -0.7f
m03 -0.3f
zero 0.0f
p03 0.3f
p07 0.7f
p13 1.0f
p17 1.7f
p20 2.0f

Delay between the takePicture command and the start of exposure (= self-timer).